Monday, December 31, 2007

Last run of 07.

I've been reading others' blogs over the last couple of days and I'm inspired. I had to get one last run before the year ended.
A 6 miler nice and slow. Happy New Year.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

12302007-same 3.5 mile loop as on the 28th

Today I ran the same loop as a couple of days ago. I've been pleasantly surprised at my pace during these runs. I am hoping to do a half marathon in April and plan to do it in 1:45. From the pace I've been able to hold I should be able to accomplish my goal.

During the year and a half off of running I took up riding my bike and spinning. Spinning is indoor cycling done in a group setting to music. The instructor designs a profile, sort of the terrain that will be ridden during class. The cadence, rate at which the pedals are turned, changes depending on the resistance added to the flywheel. I really enjoyed doing the spinning thing. An instructor training program was being offered for the first time at UCSD, through the recreation department, and I decided to enroll. I became an instructor and that along with riding my bike helped me to stay in shape. I've learned that a cadence of 90 revolutions per minute is ideal.

These posts, to me, seem like rambling. I mentioned the spinning because I think that the 90 rpm cadence has helped my running. I was not expecting to come back to running and be able to maintain a pace any faster than a 9-930/m pace. At this point I feel that I am in a better position at the beginning of my marathon training cycle than I was 4 years ago. I hope that by writing it down it will become reality :-)

Saturday, December 29, 2007

12292007-Old, 06, Sue Krenn 15K pics

After about a year of being injured I'd still go out and try to support the club and friends that were training for the RnR 07 marathon. Here are some pics of a 15K race, it takes place around March.

Friday, December 28, 2007

12282007-3.5 mile loop, Fanuel Park

Today's route: There is a Monday night running group that meets at Crown Point at 6 pm. this group has been going strong for over 3 years now. I love the out and back run that they do. It starts at Crown Point Shores (about 1/4 mile before the mile marker on today's route) . Over the past year and a half I haven't been able to meet and run with the group since I've been sort of injured. My marathon training leading up to the 06 Rock-n-Roll Marathon left me injured after the last long run, a 22 miler. I had been having plantar fascitis problems before that long run, blah blah blah. I'll finish that story another day.

Anyway, I haven't run more than 7 miles in over a year and a half. i've run exactly 7 miles once in that year and a half period. After deciding not to run the 06 RnR, I couldn't have done it anyway :-(, I started to ride my bike more than ever before. I also started to take more spinning classes than usual.

Blah blah blah.....I've rambled on haven't I?! today was a good 3.5 mile run. My wife, Alexia, and daughter, Micaela, and myself went for a nice run. I love running with my wife and daughter.

Hopefully in future entries I'll be more organized on what I want to say and I'll keep the entry confined on just that day's run. I'm just excited to get back into a training schedule. I want to remind myself of all of the wrong things done in the past. I also want to write about the good things that came about due to the injury.

Thursday, December 27, 2007


This marks the beginning of my pre-official start of my training for the marathon in June of '08.
I haven't quite decided if I will run the marathon but I have decided to train for it. My goal for now
is to see how I do at the La Jolla Half Marathon in April and then decide from there.

Today's route :